Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Where did you go JD?

J.D. Salinger said that he was once the type of person who brags about there abilities, and that is sort of weird becasue now he is try to hide from all the fame. Through all this hiding, he has been one of the most famous and popular writers in history. I feel like if I was in the same situation that I would of ended up the same way. this because I dream of things like fame, but once you get it, you realize it isnt as great as it seems. A lot of his fans started to call his house and write letters to him because of a something in his most famous book, The Catcher in the Rye. Back in the 1950's , people didnt like the book and its ideas of phonies, and some places like schools and libraries added it to their banned book list. Now, people love the idea because there is a lot of trouble and mystery in our nations government and even the world around us. This has effected pop culture in many ways, one way is when the reasons why a person killed John Lennon was because something he read in the Catcher in the Rye. Also, more then usual people have been questioning the government and other superiors on the truth.

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