Monday, January 23, 2012

If daisy was our narrator

I am just  lying down near Jordan when all of a sudden Nick and Tom arrive. I act as if I really excited to see him, although I am not as excited as I show. I still cant take my mind of Tom and all the things I am going through with him. I introduce him to Jordan as Ms.Baker, surprisingly he does not recognize who she is, I thought that for sure Nick would realize who Jordan Baker, the women professional golfer, is. After chatting for a while and getting to catch up about what was going on in our lives, I still didn't care as much as I had shown, I had to many worries. Honestly, Nick and I are not even very close at all family wise and personally. I mean he is only my second cousin twice removed. After all that I decide to move the group out to the patio near the garden. As we walk out the door, Nick mentions Gatsby and all of a sudden I get a chill in my body and I couldn't help but try and make more conversation of this. He said that Gatsby is his neighbor, but that was all that he said about him. I felt like continuing the conversation, but I felt like they didn't want to talk much about it anymore, so I dropped it. We were at the patio waiting for some beverages when the butler comes in without any drinks and tells Tom that he has a phone call. I know that its from that girl from New York, I just know it. After a couple of seconds of talking to Nick, I decide to go in and check on Tom and just understand whats happening on the phone.I leave Nick and Jordan on the patio and I rush to see Tom.

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