Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Sinners in the Hands of A Angry God" thoughts

I believe that the things that these people are told is insane because in these days the Catholic/Christian faith make God seem like a very generous and forgiving person. If I was a kid in that time I would probably believe everything that I am told because I remember that when I was a kid , I believed anything that someone told me. I also think that this is really unbelievable because people always sin and yet there is never these very severe consequences that ministers and reverends speak about. I have a feeling that most of these priests or reverends kind of exaggerated there stories a bit just for power and to put fear in the people. I think that this type of  fear in the people helped the priests and reverends to gain power and to be able to control more in a town or village. Although it is bad to lie to the people and putting in fear into them, I still think that it was sort of necessary because back then there was no law so religion had to control what people did in life. If there was no religion and fear then people would go around doing whatever they want and they could get away with it really easily.


  1. Yes,That's it! Your perspective on the excerpt is undeniably true(from what I think) I recall you saying "priests...exaggerated there put fear in the people". However,couldn't it mean that by instilling fear into the people that true perfection can arise?Why or why not?

  2. I agree with you on that religion was the way to control the people back then because there really was no law. The sad thing about it is that is still happening all around the world. The people with power are using it to control the 'weak' and make them do what they want them to do.
