Thursday, September 29, 2011

John Proctor- Hero or Stooge?

I believe that John Procter is a hero. He is a hero because he is against all of the witch executions. He doesn't believe in all the non sense that the church is telling the people. He does not like Reverend Parris, which is good because he knows that Parris is a control freak and acts really strict to make people follow the word of god. Although he is helping in a way because he is against all the executions and accusations of witchcraft, he has made some mistakes. The biggest mistake was probably the one in which he commits adultery with Abigail, his former servant. I think that he is full of regret because he seems to care a lot about his wife, and he puts so much effort into trying to set her free of being a witch. The book makes him seem like he is the type of person that doesn't mean what he says, because in the story he tells Abigail that he has no feelings for her but the book makes it seem like he is not telling the truth. Besides if he didn't love his wife would he have put so much effort into trying to get her out of jail, or just go back with Abigail.

1 comment:

  1. Filip M
    Interesting... however, do you really think he is a complete hero? Can he really be put in the "hero" category when he committed adultery? It's a tough choice. Nice blog!
