Thursday, September 29, 2011

John Proctor- Hero or Stooge?

I believe that John Procter is a hero. He is a hero because he is against all of the witch executions. He doesn't believe in all the non sense that the church is telling the people. He does not like Reverend Parris, which is good because he knows that Parris is a control freak and acts really strict to make people follow the word of god. Although he is helping in a way because he is against all the executions and accusations of witchcraft, he has made some mistakes. The biggest mistake was probably the one in which he commits adultery with Abigail, his former servant. I think that he is full of regret because he seems to care a lot about his wife, and he puts so much effort into trying to set her free of being a witch. The book makes him seem like he is the type of person that doesn't mean what he says, because in the story he tells Abigail that he has no feelings for her but the book makes it seem like he is not telling the truth. Besides if he didn't love his wife would he have put so much effort into trying to get her out of jail, or just go back with Abigail.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Sinners in the Hands of A Angry God" thoughts

I believe that the things that these people are told is insane because in these days the Catholic/Christian faith make God seem like a very generous and forgiving person. If I was a kid in that time I would probably believe everything that I am told because I remember that when I was a kid , I believed anything that someone told me. I also think that this is really unbelievable because people always sin and yet there is never these very severe consequences that ministers and reverends speak about. I have a feeling that most of these priests or reverends kind of exaggerated there stories a bit just for power and to put fear in the people. I think that this type of  fear in the people helped the priests and reverends to gain power and to be able to control more in a town or village. Although it is bad to lie to the people and putting in fear into them, I still think that it was sort of necessary because back then there was no law so religion had to control what people did in life. If there was no religion and fear then people would go around doing whatever they want and they could get away with it really easily.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Arrivals...There goes the neighborhood

When Christopher Columbus arrived at North America he believed he had landed in India and so that's how we originally got the name Indian for the Native Americans from a long time ago. The story or writing that my English 2 class used for Christopher Columbus made him seem like a good person. He seemed to me to be just a possibly young explorer who wanted only to explore and make discoveries. Then all of this changed when my teacher showed my class a part of the writing that was left out that exposed what his real intentions were. I don't understand how he can just appear in some place that he doesn't know too much about and then thinks that he can just do whatever they want with the natives there. I would never imagine do something like that to a person, thinking they are just for the taking like they are just an object. Christopher Columbus destroyed the native Americans way of life, because of greed. They had everything going fine for them because they worked with nature to survive, but just like that, because of 1 man they ended up being murdered and had their land taken.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Introduction to Me

My name is Jaime Davila and I am 15 years old. I go to Whitney M. Young High School and I am currently a sophomore. I like to play Video Games such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, and many others. I enjoy sports such as basketball, football, and soccer. I went to Little Village Academy from Pre-K to 8th grade. I live in Chicago in a neighborhood called Little Village. There are 6 members in my family, my mom and dad, my brother, and my 2 sisters. I use my computer a lot for things like Youtube, music and Facebook.