Monday, January 23, 2012

If daisy was our narrator

I am just  lying down near Jordan when all of a sudden Nick and Tom arrive. I act as if I really excited to see him, although I am not as excited as I show. I still cant take my mind of Tom and all the things I am going through with him. I introduce him to Jordan as Ms.Baker, surprisingly he does not recognize who she is, I thought that for sure Nick would realize who Jordan Baker, the women professional golfer, is. After chatting for a while and getting to catch up about what was going on in our lives, I still didn't care as much as I had shown, I had to many worries. Honestly, Nick and I are not even very close at all family wise and personally. I mean he is only my second cousin twice removed. After all that I decide to move the group out to the patio near the garden. As we walk out the door, Nick mentions Gatsby and all of a sudden I get a chill in my body and I couldn't help but try and make more conversation of this. He said that Gatsby is his neighbor, but that was all that he said about him. I felt like continuing the conversation, but I felt like they didn't want to talk much about it anymore, so I dropped it. We were at the patio waiting for some beverages when the butler comes in without any drinks and tells Tom that he has a phone call. I know that its from that girl from New York, I just know it. After a couple of seconds of talking to Nick, I decide to go in and check on Tom and just understand whats happening on the phone.I leave Nick and Jordan on the patio and I rush to see Tom.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The American Dream

The american dream today is all about the individual and only that individual. The american dream is different for everybody in the U.S. Some people want wealth, others want fame, and others want a family. This is a typical american dream, but that doesn't mean it is good for our nation. This is because people only start to think for themselves and forgot about problems that don't exactly belong to them, but are part of the U.S. Some examples are that poverty is all around the U.S. and that the environment is being harmed everyday and getting worse over time. My american dream is sort of typical, in that I hope to be successful and have a family, but I also realize that I cant just work to reach my goals, I also have to help fix the problems in our nation right now. In theses days, it has become more about wealth and fame then anything else. This shows how people continue to be focused on themselves and their own goals. I believe that anybody can achieve their goals and live the american dream, but for some it takes more hard work and dedication then others, due to the opportunities you get.