Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful for a classmate!

I am thankful for Javier Campos. There are many reasons why I am thankful for my fellow classmate, Javier Campos, and one reason is because he was my one of my group partners for the quotes for The Crucible and The Road. He was a great contributor to the group work and was very cooperative and without that, the group would have had a harder time doing the assignment those days. Also, during the group work for the quotes for The Crucible and The Road, he shared his book with me by letting me read the quotes from the books. Certainly, he helped me a lot in that situation because if I didn't do the quotes then my grade would have dropped incredibly.  Another reason that I am thankful that Javier Campos is my classmate is because if I forget what the homework is then Javier always tells me what it is, which shows that he pays attention in class and is a good listener. If he didn't tell me what the homework was then I wouldn't even do most of my homework because a lot of times I daze off and don't hear what the due assignment is. Also, Javier never gets annoyed or bothered if I ask him what the homework is, which I am really thankful for. Another reason, is that he is very respectful and does not interrupt the class and the teacher. If Javier was very disrespectful, then he would most likely interrupt the teacher a lot, but he isn't so he doesn't make it difficult for everyone in the class to learn. Javier Campos is the classmate I am really thankful for, but that doesn't mean I don't care about all my other classmates. I am also thankful for all my other classmates, because they are my classmates and I learn with them.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Theme of The Road

One of the themes in the road, and possibly the biggest one is humanity. I say this because in the book everything is has gone bad due to some massive event that caused the sun to be blocked out, the vegetation to die, and the society go mad. Now we wont be able to recongnize one another because of how the event made everything chaotic making us do things we would have neve thought of doing. I know everybody has principles or things they would never do, but in times like these would you steal or kill if it benefited you and your family. Another thing that humans have that makes us not as human is our greed. Some people have an insatiable desire for money and wealth, and they are willing to do bad things to get the money and wealth. An example would be a bank  robber, this is because the bank robber is taking the money from the bank that belongs to people, and he only wants it for his own selfish greed. That is one of the many themes of The Road, but it certainly is a big one because this is what will eventually bring us to our doom, not a meteor or a bomb, but how we are able to live after without working together.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Letter to Charles Bukowski

Dear Charles Bukowski,

I have read your poem and I have a big question to ask you. How come you are predicting all these things to happen, but you didn't do anything else about it? I believe that this is a possible future but at your time, didn't you get the thought of mentioning this to people and convincing them about it? Right now in my life, I do believe that this is  going to become reality unless we do something about it, yet people don't seem to care. I believe that when you say "this" you are talking about the world and its many problems. Some problems that you have mentioned is the economy and how it is is terrible shape right now. Another thing  is the environment and how it has suffered through large amounts of waste being created as well as carbon emissions.Also, I believe that you were talking about violence as well which has always been in issue in the world, but due to the struggles that will develop for people in their lives, then most likely there will be more violence due to lack of resources or jobs. So, that is what I think of your poem and I believe that you are speaking the truth of our future, but there is still hope.