Thursday, October 20, 2011

Father and Son

In The Road, the relationship between the father and his son is very weak because the apocalypse has gotten in the way of them actually bonding in a normal way. Although the father still wants to create that bond between him and his son, it is difficult for him because the apocalypse has made everything bad and the father believes that survival is the most important part. I think he still lacks effort in this because when his son asks him something he responds with no emotion, almost like he is not even paying attention to his son. Also, I believe that its not just that the father lacks effort into bonding, its also that the son is already more mature then he should be at that age due to the whole apocalypse. I noticed this because he asks questions like if they are going to die or if the soda he drank will be the last one he'll have. Also, he has gone through all of this and is still able to keep himself controlled in most situations. I believe that the relationship between the father and the son will soon begin to become weaker and weaker because they will lose all hope and realize that they probably won't survive.